2013 – The Astrological Highlights

Saturn – Pluto

Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn will make three exact sextile aspects between December 2012 and September 2013. This pair are in mutual reception, (Saturn rules Capricorn and Pluto co-rules Scorpio) creating a supportive basis for the hard work involved in making necessary changes. This brings out the best qualities of these heavy duty planets providing some stability and allowing the use of will power to get through the more disruptive times.


The major astrological influence of our current time continues to be the square aspect between Uranus and Pluto. It first became exact during late June 2011 and will continue its influence until early 2016. I wrote extensively on this pair in the 2012 forecast and we’ll see more of the same effects throughout this year as it makes an exact angle twice, first on 20th May and again 1st November. This challenging dynamic brings revolution and power struggles which cause us to undergo a major shift of focus. Some people will have begun the shift already for others it will come later. “If we want to have freedom from material restraints (Uranus) we have to be purged of self importance and become honourable (Pluto). The struggle will be acted out on many levels as we are forced to face ourselves. We have to question what is really true and appropriate and what have we blindly accepted as a convenient or comfortable assertion.” Slowly as we become more conscious of ourselves and our motivations we will begin to see that whatever occurs in our world is a direct result of our own inner state of being. There will continue to be conflict and struggle in the world only whilst we are in conflict within ourselves. The peace and comfort we seek in the world will develop naturally as we cultivate a peaceful relationship with ourselves.

Saturn – Neptune – Jupiter

During the summer months we will see a series of trine aspects that culminate in a Grand water trine. This type of aspect is considered the most harmonious or beneficial and allows the planets involved to work easily together. Saturn in Scorpio made the first trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces in October 2012, the second is on 11th June and again on 19th July. On the 17th July Jupiter in Cancer moves into range to complete a triangular pattern known as a Grand Trine, in water signs. With Saturn representing “reality” and Neptune as the dream or illusory world ,we can bring the two together with ease. Be careful what you wish for! With Jupiter in Cancer adding to the mix expect an increased ability to manifest your desires and reach for the stars. Emotional responses can be exaggerated during this time but if you have honed your senses to be spiritually orientated this could even be a mystical experience. It’s important though not to let your imagination run wild as you may find you can be convinced of something that actually has no substance. At worst this could bring a spate of over zealous idealism.

Comets – Signs & Portents

This year we are told to expect two comets to pass close by and even be visible during the day light. The first should arrive by late February and remain visible during March whilst the second should be visible in the Northern hemisphere from October through to December. In traditional astrology a comet was considered a herald of major disruption to government or the fall of empires and kings. Until the comet makes itself visible it’s hard to predict it’s significance on a mundane level. We already know that this is likely to be a game changing year and the chances of there being major political upheaval is certainly on the cards. Meanwhile, we will have to, literally, watch this space!