April 2014 Grand Cardinal Cross & Lunar Eclipse

The recent New Moon in Aries on 30th March marked the beginning of this month’s Astrological action. We can watch the planetary movements working like a domino effect as one event leads into another and the drama unfolds.

Although there is a significant focus on the Cardinal cross during 20th -23rd April this configuration has been strongly in effect since January.

The year so far has been fairly intense, with chaos and disruption apparent to varying degrees in our personal lives as well as through global events and weather extremes.

There are currently several converging aspects in effect involving the planets of revolution, transformation, expansion and force. The Uranus Pluto square is about to connect for the sixth out of seven events that started back in 2012. Simultaneously, since last year, Jupiter in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn and square to Uranus in Aries. These Cardinal signs represent the beginning of a new cycle involving essential archetypes and their many levels of expression – the individualist person as Aries, the compassionate person as Cancer and the responsible person as Capricorn. When Mars moves into the vacant fourth position at 13 degrees he forms the cross to include the unselfish person as Libra.

This cross pattern is triggered repeatedly this month until it’s climax on 23rd. The Sun, now in Aries, a powerful position for the Sun echoing the theme of a new cycle, touches Jupiter through a square angle on 1st April, joins with Uranus on 2nd makes a square to Pluto on 3rd and opposes Mars on 8th. Each time the Cross pattern is activated we are edged a step further towards the fulfilment of it’s purpose.

The Full Moon on 15th is a total Lunar eclipse in signs Aries and Libra. At the same time fast moving Mercury, planet of the rational mind is joined with inspirational mind, Uranus and relentless Pluto is turning to retrograde motion. This suggests another impulse for change with new information emerging from external or internal sources to undermine the existing paradigm. Now it’s important to watch your thinking patterns and beware of any negativity which undermines your well being. Your personal response to people and circumstances around this time has a heightened significance and will set the trend for the near future. A Solar eclipse on 29th is a less powerful event occurring after the Grand Cross has culminated.

As we navigate our way through April it’s important to remember that everyone alive on the planet is also experiencing these planetary dynamics unfolding in some way, directly or indirectly. The underlying principle behind this Cardinal Cross is to instigate a new basis for living without the extreme polarity we’ve known. We have been accustomed to living in a world of divisions where we identify with others who share our gender, our family, generation, neighbourhood, nation, religion, political party, cultural background etc. Most of the world’s organisations, social systems, financial and government structures have been built using this “us and them”  foundation. Now as we move away from the previous paradigm the emphasis is on our being a unique individual whilst developing integrity, personal responsibility and an awareness of the part we play in an all inclusive group of one.

The intense energies this month will assist in removing everything that’s not structurally stable, fit for purpose or if it’s based on unsound ideology. Many people, as individuals, groups, governments or religions are still making decisions and taking action based on something which stems from these outmoded systems. This behaviour may appear crazy, irrational, delusional or insane to anyone observing from a different perspective.

If you want to know what to do – it’s quite simple – find, and maintain, your equilibrium, your inner peace. You may need to take action to achieve this and that could be just a few minutes walking, relaxing or meditating to re-centre your self or maybe it’s time to leave your relationship, home, job or relocate across the globe! Above all, not taking yourself too seriously will help you through anything which proves personally challenging.