November Full Moon

The Moon waxes to Full on the 13th November and then wanes away to bring the darkest night on 27th November before re-emerging as the slimmest crescent of the New Moon which in turn waxes again to Full. For thousands of years Astrologers have observed the rhythm of the Moon and cyclic patterns of Planets… Continue reading November Full Moon

October New Moon in Scorpio

This Month the Full Moon lies in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra. This Sun Moon opposition occurs progressively through the zodiac signs each month. The theme for October highlights the polarity between the individual who is always looking for the challenge to their assertiveness (Mars rules Aries-conflict) and the shared human desire for social… Continue reading October New Moon in Scorpio

September 2008 Harvest Moon

The Month of September brings us the Harvest Full Moon and the Autumn Equinox. This is traditionally the time for gathering in our crops. With long hours worked under the light of the Full Moon we reap the result of our investment made during the spring. Since April and May this year things have been… Continue reading September 2008 Harvest Moon

August 2008 Eclipses

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on Friday 1 August signifies a time of beginnings, new directions, finding a new way of operating in the world or the opportunity to re-invent our selves. Things, people, habits and beliefs that need to change can do so now. The seeds of the current phase of change… Continue reading August 2008 Eclipses

July Moon Phase

This month the New Moon is at 12° Cancer on the 3rd July at 3:20 am with the next Full Moon at 26° Capricorn on the 18th July at 9:00 am After what seems like a long haul, July should yield a bit more progress. Fiery Mars moving into level-headed Virgo on 1st July is… Continue reading July Moon Phase

June 2008

When the Moon and the Sun line up with the Earth at New and Full Moon the combined gravitational influence can be seen and felt along our coastlines as extreme tides called spring tides. This June New Moon is at perigee (closest to the earth) at about 360,000 kilometres away. (The year’s most distant New… Continue reading June 2008

Bealtaine, May 1

The celebration of Bealtaine or the month of May marks the cross quarter day or midpoint in the Sun’s progress between the vernal equinox and summer solstice. (Around May 6) It is traditionally a time to light fires for purification in preparation for the fertile summer months. This year the productive Taurus New Moon falls… Continue reading Bealtaine, May 1

Chinese New Year

The next New Moon of the year is the second after the winter Solstice and marks the Chinese New Year of the Rat. Traditionally this is a year of hard work, activity, and renewal. This is a good year to embark on something or make a fresh start. Being well prepared and resourceful is the… Continue reading Chinese New Year

New Year Astrology

The New Year emphasis is on creating better habits, making resolutions for an improved lifestyle or using our time more beneficially. Now we get a chance to feel our efforts are appreciated, at least the ones which are designed to benefit others will be! When the Moon opposes the Sun, Full Moon, this month it… Continue reading New Year Astrology